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更新时间:2023-03-08   点击次数: 550次


安科瑞电气股份有限公司成立于 2003 年,2012 年在创业板上市,代码:300286。 公司总部位于上海嘉定,是一家为企业微电网能效管理和用能安全提供解决方案的高新技术 企业和软件企业,现有各类软件著作权 500 多项。(截止到 2021 年 12 月,发明22 项、实用 132 项、外观设计 150 项、软件著作权 251 项。) 设于无锡江阴市的生产基地--江苏安科瑞电器制造有限公司是江苏省高新技术企业,拥 有获得国家实验室认证认可的产品测试中心,配合信息化管理系统,为公司产品产业化、规 模化实施提供保障。新成立的安科瑞微电网研究院致力于企业端微电网技术的研发,进一步 为用户建设安全、可靠、绿色的微电网能量管理系统提供解决方案。

Acrel Co., Ltd., founded in 2003, was listed on the Growth Enterprise Board in 2012, with the stock code: 300286. The company is located in Jiading, Shanghai, China and is a high-tech enterprise and software enterprise providing solutions for micro-grid energy efficiency management and energy use security. It has more than 500 patents and software Copyrights.(As of December 2021, there are 22 invention patents, 132 utility model patents, 150 exterior design patents, and 251 software Copyrights.) Jiangsu Acrel Electrical Manufacturing Co., Ltd., a production base in Jiangyin , Wuxi, is a high-tech enterprise in Jiangsu Province, with a product testing center certified by the CNAS, cooperating with the information management system, to provide guarantee for the company's industrialization and large-scale implementation of products. The newly established Acrel microgrid Research Institute is committed to the research and development of enterprise end microgrid technology, further providing solutions for users to build a safe, reliable and green microgrid energy management system.

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  • 地址公司地址上海市嘉定区育绿路253号
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